Tim Brown


For more than 25 years, Tim Brown has been utilizing quick wit and creative thinking to promote his clients, tackle publicly damaging issues and provide national media with publicity angles that make for great stories. Tim will share his secrets to creative thinking and generating ideas – the very processes he uses to publicize his clients to national reporters. He believes you can improve your own marketability and value to future employers by learning how to generate better ideas and solutions no matter challenge. Having begun his career at International Public Relations Co., in Los Angeles, Tim is partner and executive vice president of public relations at Richter7, the most creative advertising/PR/web firm in Salt Lake City. He has handled creative PR efforts for such clients as USANA, Questar; Southwest Airlines; UTA TRAX; Cafe Rio; The Home Depot; Hard Rock CafĂ©; Jackson Hole Mountain Resort; Park City; Disney/Touchstone Pictures; Mrs. Fields Cookies; Dairy Farmers of Utah; and the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii. With clients from New York to Hawaii, Richter7’s range of creative and strategic services include social marketing, public relations, publicity campaigns, web marketing, creative services (writers, producers, designers, etc.), media planning and buying, advertising in traditional mass media and online media, market research, brand analysis and strategic planning, and database marketing.


Conference Information and Theme

"Position to Win" is a conference designed to show professionals and students the way to create a professional persona and winning business. Utah’s cutting edge public relations experts will delve into key issues including social media, search engine optimization, maximizing the client-agency relationship, negotiating with journalists, preventing PR mistakes and unveiling creative genius. Not only will presenters teach in theory but, more importantly, they’ll show how it’s put into practice. Students, professionals and the general public will walk away from the conference feeling energized and engaged with tools necessary to put them in a “Position to Win!”

The conference will be in the Eccles Conference Center at USU on

April 13th from 9:30 to 3:30


Presentation Descriptions

Ron Gunnell
PR - Perception-Reception. The Art of Perception in Business and in Life

Pete Codella
Social Media and Search Marketing
How social media has changed the role of public relations practitioners. A discussion of the new rules of marketing and public relations, what an effective online marketing strategy is, and a description of the current social media puzzle from a public relations perspective. Call it search engine optimization, search marketing or inbound marketing, securing top search placement is now paramount to any successful communication campaign. We’ll discuss utilization of online tools — many of them free social media tools — to help secure top search placement.

Tim Brown
Wake Up Your Creative Genius
Tim Brown trains executives to create and produce great ideas by teaching them to: • Think like a kid again; • Think outside rigid parameters; • Work outside your comfort zone; • Respond to challenges creatively; • Generate effective solutions to problems; and • Pry open your creative thinking.

Presentation Components 1. Applying tips of creative genius 2. Filling your bucket 3. Getting out of your rut 4. Tips of discovering winning ideas 5. The “Ricochet Effect” 6. Mastering the game of “What if…” 7. Questions that spark the imagination 8. The outside advantage – a third party perspective 9. Better brainstorming

Krachel Greenwood
Media Relations and the Non-Profit Industry
Thinking about working as a public relations specialist in the non-profit sector? Come find out what’s going to help you land your story in the ‘news’. I’ll share lots of personal stories while focusing on the following points: How to Get Your Story Publicized They say if it bleeds it leads, so how do I still get my story in the news if it doesn’t bleed? Press Releases – How Important Are They? I’ve got my who and where and what and why, but is it really necessary to write it down? Event Day, Now What? The media contacted you and said they’re interested in your story, now what?

Sarah Reale
Marketing to High School Students Using Web 2.0
High school students today are living through text messages, Facebook, and YouTube. Guided by Utah State University's director of admissions, Jenn Putnam (also a PR graduate) USU dove right into Web 2.0 by creating publications, media productions, and web material for this millennia generation. Fun. Flashy. Hip. Students can't help but become Aggie

Lexie Kite
Public Relations Specialist vs. Journalist: Negotiating Your Territory
This presentation will cover the often complicated relationship between PR specialists and journalists. We will discuss what expectations both parties may have in the professional relationship, the difficulties of negotiating both parties' responsibilities, and what it is like to work in either field or a combination of the two.

Rolf Koecher
An Editor's view: Major public relations disasters, and how to avoid them.
From Watergate to Utah's battle over school vouchers, a review of things that have gone woefully wrong and how to prevent the same mistakes: 1. How a U.S. President was hounded from office. And why a Wall Street tycoon fell from his perch as a media darling, ending up as a "greenmailer" and a man without a company. 2. It did happen here: How an entire community was duped by flag-waving, patriotic songs, Boy Scouts marching and the chanting of slogans to unwittingly clamor for an end to freedom of the press. 3. Why a U.S. Congressman, a county judge and two district attorneys were thrown out of office after holding their positions for years. When the voters get confused, everybody loses. 4. When life hands you a no-win bombshell: Choosing between your job or going to jail for bribing a foreign government. 5. One of the ugliest chapters in recent history: How the Utah Supreme Court saved the state's sanity in the battle over school vouchers. 6. Things to do and not to do: A survival guide for those in public relations.

Chris Thomas & Nile Easton
Maximizing the Client Agency Relationship



9:00 a.m. Continental breakfast
Eccles Conference Center

9:25 a.m. Welcome
Troy Oldham, Lecturer, Department of Journalism & Communications

9:30 a.m. Keynote
Ron Gunnell, Head of Public Relations of Special Projects for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir
PR - Perception-Reception. The Art of Perception in Business and in Life

10:30 a.m. Breakouts (two sessions, 1 hour each)
Sarah Reale, PR Specialist, Utah State University
Marketing to High School Students Using Web 2.0

Lexie Kite, PhD Student at U of U, freelance journalist and PR specialist
Public Relations Specialist vs. Journalist: Negotiating Your Territory

Tim Brown, Partner, Ricter7
Wake Up Your Creative Genius

Krachel Greenwood, Communications Manager, Make-A-Wish Foundation of Utah
Media Relations and the Non-Profit Industry

12:30 p.m. Networking Lunch
East Ballroom, Taggart Student Center

1:30 p.m. Breakouts
Rolf Koecher, Executive Editor of Davis County Clipper
An Editor's View: Major Public Relations Disasters, and How to Avoid Them

Chris Thomas, Owner & Officer, Intrepid Hybrid Communications & Nile Easton, Senior Public Information Officer, Utah Department of Transportation
Maximizing the Client Agency Relationship

2:30 p.m. Keynote
Pete Codella, APR, President at Codella Marketing, Founder and Owner at NewsCactus, Program Coordinator at Social Media Club of Salt Lake City
Social Media and Search Marketing

3:30 p.m. Closing
Kevin Crouch, USU PRSSA Chapter President

3:35 p.m. Aggie Ice Cream Social


Maps to Eccles Conference Center & Parking